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Grim for Grown-ups

The Clearwater Public Library in Clearwater, KS will host “Grimm for Grownups,” a presentation and discussion by Priscilla Howe on October 23, 2020 at 6:30PM] at the Clearwater Public Library]. Members of the community are invited to attend the free program. Contact the the Clearwater Public Library at 620-584-6474 for more information. The program is made possible by Humanities Kansas.
The Brothers Grimm traveled across Europe in the 1800s collecting folktales that eventually became the classic fairytales children read today. However, most were never intended for children. This talk explores the story of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and discusses why collecting folktales is important for understanding a community’s values and fears.
Priscilla Howe is a freelance storyteller and a 2015 Fulbright Senior Scholar. A former children’s librarian, Howe moved to Lawrence in 1993 and became a global storyteller who has shared stories on 4 different continents.
“Stories really aren’t just for children. I love the Grimm tales even more as an adult than I did as a child, and I was a story-devouring kid,” Howe said. “There’s something in these stories that connects us on a deep level. It’s like magic.”
“Grimm for Grownups” is part of Humanities Kansas’s Movement of Ideas Speakers Bureau, featuring presentations and workshops designed to share stories that inspire, spark conversations that inform, and generate insights that strengthen civic engagement.
For more information about “Grimm for Grownups” in Clearwater contact the Clearwater Public Library.

Holiday contest


Just In times for the Holidays!  Beginning on November 3rd every day that a person checks out something from the Library they can enter a drawing (Full name and contact information) for a free Christmas DVD.  Five (5) names will be drawn on Friday afternoon for winners.  This will be every week with the final drawing on December 18th.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

The Books & Beyond Club at the Clearwater Public Library is a Service Blub.  We do things to improve our Library and our Community and to have some fun!  All youth (6th grade or older) is welcome to join us.  Drop by the Library for more information.  We want to share a fun project we did for your enjoyment; A Library Music Parody video!

We do fundraisers for specific projects at the Library and are now raising funds to beatify the Library Garden.  Our next fundraiser is on October 24th.  We will have a “Pumpkin Patch Fun House” from 2-4PM for youngsters to enjoy, the cost is $2.50 per person. For those a little older and (maybe) braver we have a “Haunted Library” from 6- 8PM, the cost is $5.00.  Groups of 5 people or a family group at a time.  Join us for some Halloween fun and help us with raising funds.


To view the video please go to our Face Book page.


See you there!